Installing or Updating SSL Certificate

Customers are able to manage and update their site's SSL Certificate with the ExaVault Appliance Manager.

The SSL Certificate you provide must be in PEM format as a single file without a password. That file needs to contain all of the following components, in order:

  • Certificate

  • Intermediate/Certificate Authority Certificate(s)

  • Private Key

Creating A Combined PEM File on Mac/Linux

Terminal may be used to generate a single PEM file containing all three components of the SSL certificate with the following command:

cat [certificate file] [bundle file] [private key/PEM file] > [combined_certificate.pem]

Creating a Combined PEM File on Windows

To create a PEM file with Windows, create a new file with Notepad and save the file as a .pem extension.

Copy the contents of each file into the Notepad file in the following order:

  • Certificate

  • Intermediate/Certificate Authority Certificate(s)

  • Private Key


The SSL Certificate will be installed within your ExaVault Appliance Manager, which can be accessed by navigating to https:// [APPLIANCE_IP-OR-HOSTNAME]:9002

Once accessed, login, and navigate to HTTP SSL.

Select Choose File under Domain Cert to select the PEM file for upload. After selecting the file, click Add Domain Cert.

After modifying the SSL Certificate, a restart of the appliance is required.

Last updated