Downloading The Base Image
Download links for the ExaVault appliance can be found on this page.
ExaVault is distributed as a .ova file for VMWare.
Click here to access the ExaVault .ova Image for VMWare.
Amazon Web Services (AWS)
ExaVault publishes an AMI (Amazon Machine Image) for Amazon Web Services (AWS), and you can use that AMI to launch an ExaVault server into your AWS account.
The minimum supported instance sizes on AWS are c5n.xlarge
, m6i.xlarge
, or m7i.xlarge.
We hope to soon publish an AWS Marketplace listing allowing for instant setup of the appliance.
Microsoft Azure or Hyper-V
We hope to soon publish a Hyper-V format image, but for now, it is possible to use ExaVault by converting the VMWare image using tools published by Microsoft.
We hope to soon publish an Azure Marketplace listing allowing for instant setup of the appliance.
Last updated