HyperPrivacy Mode

ExaVault supports a site-wide configuration option called HyperPrivacy Mode that, once set, cannot be changed without completely rebuilding your entire site.

This capability requires an Enterprise license that is no longer offered for new accounts.

Differences Between HyperPrivacy Mode and Normal ExaVault

In a normal ExaVault installation, there is one root file system, and Users are provisioned access to that file system using Permissions. This allows easy ability to grant permissions to various folders.

In HyperPrivacy Mode, each user gets their own file system, completely to themselves. The only way for one user to access the files of another user is for that user to share those files or folders explicitly.

This creates an extremely private environment for each user. Files owned by a user cannot even be seen by site administrators!

History of HyperPrivacy Mode

This setting was formerly called "NextGen", "DatabaseFs", and "Contemporary platform" at various times and in various places.

For a period of time, HyperPrivacy Mode was enabled by default when installing ExaVault.

Due to challenges associated with administering sites which use HyperPrivacy Mode, we no longer recommend that customers enable HyperPrivacy Mode.

Determining HyperPrivacy Mode Status

If you have a left menu for both "Files" and "Shares", your ExaVault site has HyperPrivacy Mode enabled.

Last updated