
Links provide secure, web-based access to a file or folder that can be used by external contacts who do not have a user account.

Links are helpful for one-time or ad-hoc delivery of files, and for providing a secure web-based upload location. Adding a link URL in your email signature is an easy way to collect large files from your contacts without being blocked by attachment size limits. There is no size limit for individual files, and you can create a link for a folder of any size.

Users whose role allows creating public links for external users can choose to create a link for any item they have access to. In HyperPrivacy Mode, items shared with a user must also have the link permission enabled on the share in order for the user to create a link.

Links are owned by the user who created them, so when that user is disabled, the links cannot be used. In a normal ExaVault installation, administrators can see and edit links created by other users. In HyperPrivacy Mode, administrators can see all the links created by other users, but can only edit links for shared items if they were granted link permission. All administrators can remove any link, regardless of who created the link.

Most links will allow a visitor to the web URL to download the item the link points to. Links for a folder may be configured to allow only uploads or both uploads and downloads, if the user who created it can upload to that folder. Users cannot create links that have permissions the users do not have.

When a folder link is created, the contents of the link are not included by default. One use for this is to contain public uploads within a single folder, and then your internal staff can organize the uploaded files into sub-folders that aren't included in the link. If you'd instead rather have a two-way data room experience, you can configure a link to allow visitors to access the subfolders. When you allow access to subfolders for a link, visitors will have the same permissions to all the subfolders that they have to the linked folder.

You can share your link freely while still controlling who can use the link. Each link URL can be secured with a password, so only the approved recipients can access the link. Administrators can change your site settings to require that all links be assigned a password.

You can limit the number of downloads permitted from a particular link, which automatically disables the link after the limit is reached. You can also set an expiration date for your link. Links that have reached their expiration date cannot be accessed by visitors, but an expired link can be updated to extend the expiration date.

Last updated

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