Notification Automations

Activity indications and alerts are a necessity to stay informed in a fast-paced world. ExaVault notifications send emails when important activities require your attention, such as a file being deleted from a shared folder or documents being uploaded for a time-critical project.

In order to create a notification automation, or a rule, a user's role must include the ability to create notifications. However, a user who can manage other users and create notifications can also create a notification that will send emails to users who cannot create their own notifications.

ExaVault notifications offer convenient digests, allowing you to receive an email summary of relevant activity at the right time, whether that be every few minutes, hours or even days.

Path Notifications

Path notifications generate emails when file activity occurs within a specified path, or every path the user has permission to. File activities from any user or external contact that match the path notification are included. Notifications can be triggered by any combination of file activities - creating a new file, overwriting a file, reading a file, moving a file, copying a file, or deleting a file.

For a normal ExaVault installation, emails will only be sent to users for activity within their home directory. For sites using HyperPrivacy Mode, emails will be generated for paths within a user's Home, if they have one, or for paths that have been shared with the user.

User Notifications

User notifications monitor what a user does and what changes are made to one or all user accounts. To create this type of notification, the user must have a role that allows them to manage other users.

The activities that can trigger the notification can be any combination of authentication activity (logging in or logging out), changes to a user account (new user created, user updated, user deleted), and file activities (creating a new file, overwriting a file, reading a file, moving a file, copying a file, or deleting a file).

When you create a notification for any user, it is triggered by all users logging in or logging out, and any changes made to any user accounts. The notification email will only include file activities (creating a file, reading a file, etc.) when the paths are accessible to the user who receives the notification.

Group Notifications

Group notifications monitor what a group member does and what changes are made to one or all user groups. To create this type of notification, the user must have a role that allows them to manage other users.

The activities that can trigger the notification can be any combination of changes to a user group (new group created, group is edited, group is deleted), and file activities by a group member (creating a new file, overwriting a file, reading a file, moving a file, copying a file, or deleting a file).

When you create a notification for any group, it is triggered by any changes made to any user groups. However, the notification email will only include file activities (creating a file, reading a file, etc.) when the paths are accessible to the user who receives the notification.

One possible use for group notifications is to monitor critical exchange flows with external parties. You would first create a group that represents the external users who connect to your site, then add any relevant user accounts to that group. You can then create a group notification triggered when a member of that group downloads or uploads, which sends that information to all of the users responsible for monitoring the relevant flows. Users who receive the notifications would only be notified about activity in the paths they can access.

In order to track whether a recipient has received a share link, users can create link notifications. Link notifications generate emails when a share link is visited by a web visitor. Users must have a role that includes the ability to generate share links in order to create link notifications.

Last updated

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