Site Branding

Administrators can customize various aspects of the appearance of their ExaVault site.

These settings are found in the Admin Dashboard under Admin Settings > Branding > Brand.

As changes are made to the Color settings, the Site Preview section on the page will provide a visual representation of how the changes will be applied.

Where Shown

Company Name

Text, up to 32 alphanumeric characters

User's site's copyright notice (both site web pages and site emails).


PNG, JPG, GIF; no larger than 50px by 240px

Upper left corner of user's site (including login page and Links pages), site emails, and favicon (favorite icon) for Links pages.

Mobile Icon

PNG, JPG, GIF; square, no larger than 30px by 30px

Home screen or application drawer for mobile devices.


PNG, ICO; 16px by 16px square

Browser tab, browser's history/search results.

Color 1

HTML color code (hex formt)

Left navigation bar (unselected menu option icon and text, and background for selected menu option), file path (for paths above the current path), background highlights for upper right menu bar, some 3rd party copyright notices), background for dialog boxes.

Color 2

HTML color code (hex formt)

Button backgrounds for non-cancel style buttons.

Color 3

HTML color code (hex formt)

File path (for the current path), Upload button background (within popup dialog boxes), page titles,.

Last updated